> patrick villanueva
select sample website applications
iTunes HTML QDL Online BellyRacer Spiceworks UI Exercise Backbone/CodeIgniter Exercise

sprout codeigniter+backbone exercise

An exercise for creating an API in CodeIgniter and consumption in Backbone. I had never worked with either, so it was a good assignment to explore. CodeIgniter is a nice PHP framework, and had to dive into the language and documentation a bit more. Having a better understanding for code mechanics, this helped push my limits as a programmer. Not having divided an application into back end/front end previously, this made the time pretty worthwhile.

Working with CI's controllers were very reminiscent of Sinatra or Rails, and I have linked a MySQL database for persistence. While it took me awhile to really understand what was going on in Backbone, the mere opportunity to do something that could be applicable anywhere was very much appreciated.

See Sprout CodeIgniter+Backbone Exercise.


Sample code, includes some recent JavaScript practice. A continuous work in progress.


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Current or real-time thoughts. Think I’m kidding about discussion? Start now, tweet me.


Recent thought extension, which may or may not include code. Also using platform to recount things.

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